Monday, November 26, 2012

First Aid Course in Mwanza

Testing the RICE method
Some of CHRISC volunteers  in Mwanza were invited to a First Aid Workshop for two days. It happened the 9th and the 10th of november, and 15 CHRISC volunteers attended the Course.

The Act Now students, Mangi and Masawe, came from Arusha to teach about different First Aid technics.
Some topics were life saving first aid and the RICE method. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, and is a good way to treat strains, sprains and dislocations.

The aim of the First Aid Course was to provide the participants knowledge about First Aid so they can help other people in the society. Also some of the participants will teach other volunteers about First Aid.  

Life saving first aid

After the course, the mediateam asked one of the participants, Anna Matiase, about the first aid course.

Anna is 18 years old and has been in CHRISC for one year where she plays football.

Can you say something you learned in the first aid seminar?
"I learned how to help a person who is unconscious and the meaning of first aid. Also now, I know what to do if someone gets hurt"

What has CHRISC done to your life?
"CHRISC has helped me in many ways. I have learned to know things I didn't know before and I have got to know new people. Also CHRISC has helped me to increase my knowledge about life."

How will you use the knowledge you get from CHRISC?
"I will teach new people how to use First Aid and teach them about HIV. And I can help football players if they get hurts"

CHRISC participants at the First Aid course

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