
Volleyball coaching course!

Are you leader of a volleyball team, or do you want to start a new team? CHRISC Tanzania will conduct a volleyball coaching course for youth aged 15 years and above. The course is basic level, so you don't need coaching experience from before.
Time: 09. February - 11. February. From 09.00 to 16.00 every day. 
Place: ARUSHA,Chrisc training centre at Suye primary school.
Genders: Girls and boys.
Language: The course will be conducted in english, and translated to swahili.

What you will learn:
  • What is CHRISC: Objectives, volunteerism and leadership.
  • Sport and evangelism.
  • General leadership and team management: motivation, dicipline, to be a role model, initiative.
  • The responsibilities and expectations towards a volleyball coach.
  • Volleyball rules.
  • Volleyball tecnique.
  • Drills and exercises.

What is expected from participants:
  • Show interest and contribute as best as you can at course.
  • All participants are expected to coach or co-coach a volleyball team after the course.
The course has capacity for 10 participants. To apply, send SMS or email to course leader Åsmund Oltedal including:
  • Name.
  • Age.
  • Are you involved in CHRISC activities?
  • Why do you want to attend volleyball course?

Telephone: 0685772742

Deadline for applications is 01.feb.2012.
