Friday, April 5, 2013


The 8 of March CHRISC-Gathering was arranged in Kimandolu church. CHRISC-gathering is arranged by CHRISC Tanzania, and gathers youth together to discuss about the challenges which they are facing in their society. More than 70 youth from different places attended the Gathering. 
We started the CHRISC-Gathering with some games. Here we are playing “Hi-Ha-Ho”

Ritha James introduced what CHRISC is and what CHRISC is doing. Also she welcomed the participants to join CHRISC activities. 


All the participants joined to dance the CHRISC-dance. Everybody enjoyed a lot, so we danced it three times. 

The Culture group organized a drama about substance abuse. They wanted to teach the participants to stay away from drugs. The drama was very funny, good and meaningful. Also the Culture group dedicated a song to all women because the day was the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY.

CHRISC wants the participants to know their responsibility in the society. And here we see one of the participants talking about his responsibilities. Everybody joined the discussion, and we all learned a lot.  

After the program was over everybody got some sambusa, karanga and juice.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

HIV education in Chrisc Training Centre Arusha

CHRISC want to educate youth about HIV, and therefore they held a workshop in
19. – 22. March in Suye, Arusha.
There were 16 CHRISC volunteers, who come from different zones in Arusha.
In the workshop they refreshed what they knew about HIV, and also learned lots of new things. The knowledge the volunteers got in the HIV workshop, they will teach to other participants and the society.

The day after the workshop was finished, CHRISC Arusha arranged a Bonanza at Suye. Here all the participants who attended the bonanza got tested and learned about HIV.
After the tests, the youth played football matches and had a lot of fun.

HIV Drama: Doctor and patient

Volunteers who participated in the HIV workshop

 Getting the result of the HIV test                                                                          Football match

Friday, February 22, 2013

Door to door Campaign

Eating banana game, Suye Primary School

Door to door campaign is a group of people from CHRISC Arusha who decided to educate the youth about gender equality.
The aim of Door to door campaign is to promote the women's place in the community, and help the women to understand themselves.

Drama, Suye Primary School

On 22th of February the culture group in CHRISC visited Suye Primary and Secondary School. They had games and drama to educate the students about the importance of equality between genders.


Janneth Ndosi, 18 years, is a member of the door to door campaign because she wants to change the society and the position of the girls in the community.
She thinks this is so important to society because many girls don't have confidence in themselves, and they don't understand their rights.