Tuesday, November 13, 2012

CHRISC Mwanza: Girls can also play Football!

In Mwanza there was a football match for girls in CHRISC, between Pasiansi and Kilumba. The match was played this saturday, the 10th of November. The girls played football at a high level and showed that there are not only boys who can play.

Kilumba scored an early goal, and the match ended 1-0.

Here is the winning team!

After the match CHRISC talked to one player of each team.

Amina Haji is 15 years old from Kilumba zone.

She has participated in CHRISC activites for the last three years.
We asked here of her opinion of the game.
"The game was good. Even if we had some challenges, and the match was tough, we won 1-0."
She also adds that boys think that girls can't play football.
"But I play football anyway!"
What has CHRISC taught you?
"They have taught me how to avoid bad groups of people. I also have learned about life skills, drug abuse and HIV."

Wisala Julius is 19 years old and come from Pasiansi zone.
She has been a partof CHRISC for 1 year, and now she is playing football for CHRISC Pasiansi girl team. "The match was very difficult because they scored an early goal, and we didn´t manage to play so good. Even though, it was very nice to play."
We asked her what challenges she meets when she as a girl plays football.
"A lot of people, especially boys don´t like that we are playing football. They think we can´t play, and also we have much less equipment than the boys."

What has CHRISC taught you?
CHRISC has taught me to love God, and also to increase me talent through training and seminars. I have also learned about First-Aid.

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